Sunday, 22 November 2009

oooh la la!

ah boring sunday afternoons... thought i'd get a lil french.... plus i found the aib jumble blog. Viva la france!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

happy birthday becky!

just a little birthday card for a lovely lady.... she really couldn't belive you could have meat and cheese together, bless her, she now knows.... xxx

Friday, 30 October 2009

Trick or Treat?

It's halloween and i love it! only time of year where your ment to look at grotesque as possible and things arn't quite what they seem, muuuuhaaaa ha ha (cough) haaa.

Happy Trick or Treating!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

breast cancer fairy... well the rough one.....

Just a little practice before I go to canvas... It's hopefully going into an auction for breast cancer awareness, but if not it' going to make a sweet present. The brief was it has to have pink in it and it can't be any thing to do with cancer.....

I stole the ribbon idea for breast cancer and added a nice little distraction via a wee fairy and a chocolate sweety. I'll post the painting when it's all done..... Might get a bit pre raphaelite and add some gold....

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

here you go dave

just i little thing to paint on my buddy daves canal boat....

Monday, 3 August 2009

Graduate torment.


Graduate torment.

This is a image I've been playing with for the last couple of days. The hands are meant to symbolise leaving uni and the graduate being caught up in recession and media garb... and i like red and green. It's trying to make it pretty to look at but with a little bit more substance...

The four images above are different backgrounds I've been trying out ....

Friday, 24 July 2009

i love the afro's!

messing about with ink and photoshoppy not quite sure what it's ment to be but it's a little window into my head..... been listerning to too much pink floyd me thinks....

Thursday, 23 July 2009

much too much, much too young...

this is a result of a touch of swine flu, tea and a rather cool pen i found in my pencil case... there's more of this sorta stuff on the way....

Monday, 18 May 2009

blondes guide to motoring

just a few idea sketches for dannielle christie and her blondes guide to motoring.... watch this space.....

Friday, 15 May 2009

trailblazing with sam at edinburgh international film festival.

I was just skipping around the old tinny net the other day, and what do I find..... the link below.... he he he. Sam and I had no idea what was going on at the time, we thought we were just going for a bit of brekkie and then this happened..... if any one who knows me who sees this there gonna find it well funny because I'm obviously pooing my pants. he he he!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

swine flu?

i know it's spreading round the world like wild fire and it's not that funny in mexico.... but come on i had too! and any how it's better to think of the funnier side of life.....

Friday, 8 May 2009


this lydia.... she's a bit of a party animal.... these are some sketches of a character that keeps cropping up in my sketchbooks. i don't know what i'll do with her yet.....

Thursday, 16 April 2009

some more stuff to help beat the testicular cancer, wooo!

so heres the drawings of me little girl scouts, the lovely david made them all pretty, very nice! look out for these and the other cancer research characters in various magerzines all over these british isles...

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Monday, 9 March 2009

...takes in the day....
Angry raised voices off screen grab her attention.
An argument in sues between the business man and coffee shop assistant. Because the business mans credit card doesn't work, which is absurd since he's a high flying business fellow. Also there's a news report on talking about the financial crisis.
it's mayhem on wall street with the financial market plumeting, cars crashing, business people arguing.
You hear a distant rumble turn into a menacing roar, and the business people react to what is coming towards them...
....Then they get taken out by a massive wave caused by the polar ice caps melting...