Tuesday, 23 December 2008

merry christmas you lovely lot!

cheers ash for some crimbo inspiration! i can't wait for christmas dinner, it's most diffinatly the one of meals! wahoobe its christmas!!!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

the screening ...

Legacy in the dust- the four aces story.

All these are the coloured versions of the final illustrations for Mr Whitter and his documentary legacy in the dust. This is the first project really that I've used colour and the first time I've painted on the computer, very scary, but ultimatly very fun. Keep your eyes peeled for more stuffs, nought's gonna stop me now wahooo! Next project please!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

some creepy type things.....

these are my pre drawings to help give me some ideas for the main secret garden party illustrations. again yet another project with out my computer it's good to get back to the pencil but when those computers are working.... they are very useful!

secret garden party visual illustrations

Monday, 14 July 2008

the four aces illiustrations

all the following drawings i did for mr winstan witter for documentray shown at the v and a about the four aces club, how it it got raided by the police all the time where the sneaky little piggys planted drugs and arrested innocent partyers.... these kids are sneaking into the club... i still have to colour these bad boys but alas i don't have a computer at the moment so i'm having to do this on pencil power!